I first started appreciating having a calendar with a photo to look at while working as a reporter at a small weekly newspaper.
The “office” that the other reporters and myself sat in was more like a hallway between the publisher’s office and the front office – no privacy and very noisy.
But above my desk, I had a calendar with a photo of the Blue Ridge Mountains that helped me imagine I was somewhere else whenever I looked at it.
To this day, I still enjoy looking at beautiful images – whether photos or illustrations – on calendars. And the fact that I can flip to a NEW image each month is another perk.
I have at least one calendar in most rooms of my home – mainly because of the variety of pictures I can see any time I walk through those rooms.
Whether I just quickly glance at one of those images while walking past or stop and look at an image more closely, I like the fact that I can temporarily “escape” by imagining myself somewhere other than inside of a room surrounded by four walls.
I think of my calendars-with-pictures as virtual “travel tickets” to places I’ll likely never see in person.