In this post, I’m covering five different methods of self-promotion, all of which involve “getting out there” and mingling with the public — whether online, on the air, or in person.


The most “behind-the-scenes” promotion tactic here is sponsorship. Sponsoring events or local organizations such as schools, athletic teams, or charities is one way to get your company’s name out there.

The nice thing about this type of promotion is that often the organization you’re sponsoring does your promotion FOR you, through their own advertising and handouts.

Not only are you supporting members of the community, you’re also making it more likely that your name will soon become familiar (and trusted) in a lot of households!


Giving away freebies is what you get to do at trade shows – if you have a booth, that is. Bumper stickers, ballpoint pens, magnets, and key chains are just a few examples of the “give-away goodies” people hand out at these shows.

Having people participate in a contest at your booth or sign up for future discounts and offers not only keeps visitors focused on what you have to say, it helps you grow your list of prospects for future email marketing.


One of the best ways to get attention is by standing up and talking to groups of people. A few years ago, I had the chance to speak on blogging to a local networking group and was encouraged to hear that my ideas were helpful to several others there.

Teaching workshops is another great method of sharing your expertise and an excellent way to quickly establish yourself as an expert on a topic. Check out your local college extension programs or community classes to see if teaching a class is an option for you.

Neighborhood recreation and park districts are good resources too, since they’re often looking for new instructors.


Conducting webinars through your website is an ideal way to introduce visitors and potential clients to new concepts and products you may be offering.

Fortunately, webinars are much easier to produce than they used to be. Resources to help you with this include GoTo and


Last, but not least, is video. In his article on, Hassan Akhtar makes several good points about the benefits of adding video to your website: “8 Reasons Why You Should Start Using Videos to Promote Your Business.”

One benefit is that you’ll continue getting exposure through that video online for years to come, since videos are often shared by readers. Another benefit is that search engines usually place videos higher than text in search results, making for better visibility.

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Toastmasters International  For almost 100 years, Toastmasters has been known as the “go-to” group if you’re interested in learning how to speak in public. The organization has been helping people become more confident in front of audiences since 1924. They now have chapters in 145 countries around the world.

GoToWebinar is a great resource for setting up your own webinars.

Social Media Examiner  This has long been a favorite website of mine. The site constantly updates the information it shares. This one’s not as recent, but very good: 10 LinkedIn Marketing Features to Promote Your Business (by Anna Sonnenberg).

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As anyone with a sweet tooth will tell you, sugar is VERY addictive! And if you eat too much, it can cause all sorts of problems. But luckily for us “chocoholics,” science has shown that dark chocolate can be beneficial for our health. In moderation, of course (darn!).

BENEFITS: Better digestion, weight loss, mood boost, less cavities!


Everyone knows they should exercise on a regular basis. But getting enough sleep on a regular basis is just as important. Maybe even more important, since it can impact our safety when we drive, our ability to concentrate at work, and our ability to handle stress.

BENEFITS: Higher tolerance for stress, improved mental clarity, overall sense of well-being.


Several years ago, I took a “one-minute drawing” class. The instructor taught us how to draw people without taking our pencil off the page and without looking down at the paper even once.

I was AMAZED. I had sketched an elderly woman’s face that actually looked like something a REAL artist would have in their notebook.

BENEFITS:  Becoming more creative, developing the “right side” (artistic, visual part) of your brain, getting outside of your comfort zone, and having fun!

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“If you ask me what I came to do in this world, I, an artist, will answer you: I am here to live out loud.”   – Émile Zola (1840-1902)

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