Before 2015, I had never heard of Lenovo computers. But thanks to a suggestion from a co-worker, I ordered my first Lenovo laptop that year (when my old Toshiba died). I loved that Lenovo so much, I bought a new one in January 2020 – a Yoga version.

One thing I like about my Lenovo Yoga C740 laptop is that it’s a hybrid laptop/ tablet. Which means I can manipulate content by just touching the screen. (Not that I do this much – I’m more of a “mouse” person.)

It’s also portable. I’ve used it at the library, in restaurants, and at my office (before I started working virtually from home).

It’s connected to my printer too – wirelessly … allowing me to print documents from several rooms away. It’s a feature I often take advantage of!

(I recently learned that the model I have is no longer being manufactured, but there are newer versions available. Speaking from personal experience, Lenovo is an EXCELLENT source for laptops.)

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