Seeing patterns is easy … once you get used to noticing them.
“The world is a confusing and turbulent place, but we make sense of it by finding order,” says Philip Ball, author of Patterns in Nature: Why the Natural World Looks the Way It Does.
“We notice the regular cycles of day and night, the waxing and waning of the moon and tides, and the recurrence of the seasons,” Philip continues. “We look for similarity, predictability, regularity…. We try to break down the complex profusion of nature into simple rules, to find order among what might at first look like chaos. This makes us all pattern seekers.”
Patterns are unavoidable. They are literally EVERYWHERE … in nature, man-made structures, works of art, and even in the phrases and words you use when writing letters, blog posts, or press releases.
Like the quote from Philip Ball says, looking for and noticing patterns in our life helps us “tame the chaos” that so often surrounds us. But noticing patterns in your life is more than just becoming aware of them. It also helps you stop and think more carefully about decisions you’re making in different areas of life – whether in your business / job or in your personal life.
Patterns and Choices
A few months ago, I published a newsletter that focused on “choices” – and the importance of choosing wisely at key moments in life. (Not all choices lead to life-changing consequences, but for the ones that do, spotting the patterns that may AFFECT those choices is very important.)
Have you noticed whether you seem to continually end up in similar situations … maybe in relationships, finances, or just feeling overwhelmed due to an inability to say “no”?
Learning how to spot patterns in your life can help you climb out of negative cycles.
Physical vs. Abstract
Looking for behavioral (abstract) patterns isn’t always easy … or fun, but looking for PHYSICAL patterns is different. This involves seeing things in your surroundings that make you stop and take a closer look.
A great example of this is something that happened a little over 30 years ago, when my husband and I took one of our nieces to a frozen yogurt shop. I think Sarah was only 8 or 9 at the time, but I was surprised when she pointed out the interesting design the black and white floor tiles made.
It was something most people would never have noticed – especially a child. Sarah’s comment convinced me that someday, she would either be an artist or … at the very least, creative.
The last time I visited her Facebook page, I can see she’s proven me right. She’s currently exhibiting some of her sculptures in local galleries in Florida. (Legos were her art medium as a kid. And I’m not talking about small kits. She made HUGE structures with those little pieces of plastic!)
* * * * *
Noticing physical patterns around us (like the one my niece did) isn’t hard. And they don’t involve thinking about our choices, the way behavioral patterns usually do.
Buy why is it important to notice physical patterns in nature and man-made items?
I think it has to do with finding enjoyment in life.
Admiring the design in the woven basket you just bought or the subtle markings in your cat’s fur are fun ways for our brains to “unwind” and take a break from the rigors of day-to-day life.
Taking breaks like this not only helps you relax and think more clearly, it also helps you become more productive.
Why More Productive?
Creating (and staying on top of) daily schedules is important for any small business owner. But that task is SO much easier when good choices have been made (often due to changes that follow an awareness of old negative patterns).
Another secret about productivity is that happy (joyful) people seem to work faster.
Although I read about these two productivity factors in a recent survey, I know from personal experience that both of these are true!
The Bottom Line …
Whether the patterns you see are in behaviors that keep cropping up in your life, or are simply the designs in things you have in your home or see on the street every day, BECOMING AWARE of those patterns has the power to change your life for the better.
I’ve created a little formula to help remind you of the importance of seeing patterns in your life. (The arrows represent the phrase “leads to.”)
Seeing patterns >> Better choices >> More joy + productivity >> Greater success