How Organized Do You Have to Be?
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How Organized Do You Have to Be?

Going overboard with organization can become meaningless – like posting blank sticky notes everywhere. The result? Less clarity, more stress. “Being organized” means different things to different people. Some think it’s unacceptable to have anything out of place in their home, and will pick up a glass that a guest has set down on a coffee…

Creativity – Your Most Important Asset
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Creativity – Your Most Important Asset

Artists aren’t the only ones who get to be creative. Sharing stories in your content is one way to show off your OWN creativity! Much of creativity is “thinking outside the box.” Sometimes we just have to move the box around a little! I’ve always admired artists. Early in my life, I realized that creativity…

Your Business Is Like a Road Trip
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Your Business Is Like a Road Trip

Traveling to new destinations – in ALL areas of your life – can be exciting! “Adventure” and “excitement” are two words I’ve always associated with travel. The first long trip I remember my family taking was when I was 4 years old, when we drove from California to South Dakota (or was it Minnesota?), for a family…

Brainstorm to Solve Problems

Brainstorm to Solve Problems

Years ago, while attending California State University, Chico (CSUC) for a degree in Mass Communications, I took a class in Technical Problem Analysis (aka “Creative Problem Solving”). Our textbook was The Universal Traveler: A Soft-Systems Guide to Creativity, Problem-Solving and the Process of Reaching Goals, by Don Koberg and Jim Bagnall. (The latest edition of this book was published in 2003.)…

Learn to ‘Think Outside the Box’

Learn to ‘Think Outside the Box’

“Thinking outside the box” is easier than you think! Everyone’s heard the phrase “thinking outside the box.” But what does that mean exactly? Here is Merriam-Webster’s definition: to explore ideas that are creative and unusual and not limited or controlled by rules or tradition The ability to come up with unusual solutions to problems is a…