Mentors Are Important … Here’s Why
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Mentors Are Important … Here’s Why

Becoming a mentor is one of the most rewarding things you can do. Merriam-Webster defines a mentor as a “trusted counselor or guide.” Another source adds this description: “A mentor typically takes the time to get to know you and the challenges you’re facing.” Mentors are similar to coaches in several ways, but there ARE…

Why Articles Are ‘Good for Business’
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Why Articles Are ‘Good for Business’

Writing articles can quickly establish you as an expert in your industry. Once upon a time, the word “articles” made people think of either newspapers or magazines. And the articles were always written by journalists. Fast forward several decades (actually, centuries, since the first newspapers appeared in Europe during the 16th century), and articles are…

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When was the last time you noticed these amazing works of art in the sky? One of my earliest memories involved looking at CLOUDS. I was standing in the small backyard behind our 2-story flat on Dolores Street in San Francisco, staring at the sky. I was sure that if I could actually TOUCH those…

Why Patterns Matter
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Why Patterns Matter

Seeing patterns is easy … once you get used to noticing them. “The world is a confusing and turbulent place, but we make sense of it by finding order,” says Philip Ball, author of Patterns in Nature: Why the Natural World Looks the Way It Does. “We notice the regular cycles of day and night,…

Gmail’s Scheduling Feature
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Gmail’s Scheduling Feature

Despite the fact that Gmail has a wide variety of features (including templates and email snooze), my favorite is Gmail’s scheduling feature. Gmail allows me to schedule emails to be sent at a specific time of day … several days in advance, if necessary! It’s a huge time-saver and allows me to quickly cross this…